Tuesday, August 26, 2008

School photos

Natasha's first day smile. Isn't she sweet? Love the outfit, the bag overstuffed with supplies (by Haiku, her most treasure object at the moment).

The smile was kinda forced. She was happy about the clothes & bag and all, but the first day of middle school is a bit daunting, even with all the get-acquainted activities she attended. The smile every day since has been genuine, and she is quite comfortable with her schedule and classes, even likes all her teachers. The bag, well, even with half the supplies left in classrooms and lockers, it's still quite stuffed! And now she is carting her trumpet back and forth.

Sarah's smile was genuine. Same school, a teacher she loves (the same one Natasha had in 2nd grade), several friends in her class, and getting to go to a Third grade classroom every day for math. What could be better? Oh yes - a new outfit. Laugh!

Mira won't start for another week. Oh, and the driving routine is getting easier. Drop off lines are much shorter now and Natasha and I have found the perfect spot for pick up!

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