This is the post that I started at the beginning of the week, but never posted because I intended to add a photo. I had big plans of weeding, painting, redoing the bathroom ceiling, touch-up painting all around the house during the mornings when I had alone time. But that's not what happened:
This week the girls are (hehe - were) at vacation bible school at our church. Natasha (was) a counselor, and she & Sarah (stayed) for the afternoon fun activities (tie-dying, pottery painting, hiking, trip to a climbing center) while Mira (participated) for the first time and won't be old enough to stay all day for a few years yet. The organizers and teachers were incredible with the activities and the girls had a blast and are sorry it's over.
I did spend most afternoons doing fun things with Mira as planned - reading books, visiting the wading pool a few times, once with several of her preschool girlfriends, dancing to music, baking a cake. All good. It's the mornings that didn't match the plan. I thought with the cool 78-80 degree temps it would be wonderful to paint, leave all the windows open and get away in the afternoons while the house airs. Less stink to deal with than when the AC is on.
Monday morning I cleaned. You know, normal weekend with kids and a garden = dirt everywhere and a ton of laundry. I also spent time posed at my keyboard, waiting for the magic moment when Karen Russells' Snapshots of a Good Life Photography class registration page came online. Despite a small glitch, I was able to get in the class I wanted (starting Jan 4, 2010.) Guess what? My Brother-in-law Jeff managed to get Melissa in too, so we'll be in the same class. Yay!
Tuesday I realized the Thursday conference call was actually Tuesday. Yeah. Spent time getting ready for that. Dialed in. Dialed off to get Mira and feed her lunch. Dialed back in until it was over then we went to meet her friends at the pool. Game over. (Productive call however.)
Wednesday I had a freak out day. Someone got into my car (through a window left open). The garage is filled with bikes & paint easels & whatnot so in summer I park in front of it, with Rich's jeep behind. The jeep was locked thankfully. All they managed was some change though it was obvious they rifled through everything. They left the pennies and package of Swedish Fish I'd bought to bribe small crabby children who don't want to leave VBS with. Must not have been too hard off, were they? Then I managed to throw my keys away while talking on the phone and looking to see if anything else was missing. Until I found them 90 minutes later, I panicked that someone hand actually grabbed them from the back steps (the ones inside the door) and was going to rob us blind while I took the girls to church. While I was looking for the keys (I finally gave up and grabbed the spare) Mira got in the car and her sister buckled her in, along with a passel of Barbies and a Barbie lounge chair. So I didn't know she was BAREFOOT until we arrived at church. Sigh. Gave up on Wednesday morning and read the paper once I found the keys (and delivered the shoes). Oh, I did some work too. The volunteer kind.
I made up for it (the freak-out, not the work) later by going to, ahem, dinner with the VBS gals -the Moms who planned and lead the whole thing who needed, um, dinner, after all that hard work.
Today I baked the following cake that will be served at the final VBS camp outing tonight, along with my not so favorite food, hot dogs. Hey, it's a camp thing. The cake is cool, no? Mira helped roll out the green gumdrop lettuce and squirted on alot of the 'ketchup' and 'mustard'. My friend Shirley is making a cake that looks like S'Mores. No, my children will not need any additional sugar this weekend, laugh! Thanks for the fun recipe Kristin!