More like angels if you ask me! I haven't been updating you much lately have I? Catching up on cleaning - the sun comes out and I want to clean! Working on many ideas for my 'homework' for Shimelle's class and asking my mother for photos of this and that, plus really motivated to keep with the decluttering. That comes and goes in spurts, but right now I'm in the middle of a get'r done spurt for everything! My poor husband, trying to relax on a Saturday and here I am flitting about. I have some great ideas for an etsy shop I've been wanting to open for awhile but I really, REALLY need to finish all this other stuff first. I finally sat down Sunday night (when I couldn't sleep) and brainstormed about all my ideas, and came up with a few more, so that's what's driving the energy right now, thus keeping me from you. Have a beautiful weekend - I'm off to take some more photos. Wonder if I can get them back in time to scrap tonight yet?