Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentines and other things.

We are full into the Valentine making frenzy here. School cards, secret cards tucked here & there for loved ones to stumble upon, and some hearts just for Mira to play with. I might have her string some up in a banner tonight. I need to find a box so Sarah can decorate her Valentines mailbox too. Can you believe we have no empty cardboard boxes? All out with the recycling.

I would post photos, but we can't have the recipients seeing their surprises before they arrive, so photos will have to wait.

The weather was beautiful yesterday, all sunny and warm, soft breezes. Mira said the wind was 'soft magical skies.' I agree. Except I had a migraine - with all the driving that had to be done yesterday I was none too happy about the sunny part. How sad on such a beautiful day. Took a 2 hour nap while Mira was at preschool and missed a lab appointment. Oops. I usually go on Thursdays anyway. At least they understood when I called. Then Tasha woke up with a migraine and upset tummy last night. Maybe it wasn't the weather front after all?

Mira and I are off soon to mail a few postcards, set up RIF at the elementary (K-2nd today) and get out of Natasha's hair so she can sleep off the headache and perhaps go to school this afternoon?

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